Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lock Down by Sean Black

Reviewed by Jarryd Shaw

Lock Down is a novel about placing your trust in others when self-hope is diminishing, about prioritising your ethical beliefs over your job requirements, and above all about optimistically believing that you can make a difference. It is not part of a series, yet has the elaboration of an encyclopaedia and the enthralling events of a civil war. Even the title leaves an essence of suspicion and mystery, engaging the reader to imagine a confined space. However, ironically, the locations range from a medical research lab beside the Hudson River to the rooftops of skyscrapers overlooking Times Square. The title also refers to the key protagonist, Ryan Lock.
Ryan is a tough, ex-navy lieutenant who is now hired as head of security, for Meditech, a controversial biotechnological company who has been having recent dilemmas with the animal rights people for their use of primates for testing. At a protest outside the company’s building, the owner, Mr Van Straten, proudly announces the company’s alternative to this form of testing. Suddenly, chaos erupts as Van Straten’s associate, Grey Stokes, is brutally shot down in broad daylight.
Lock instantly rises to the challenge, taking the road less travelled in order to find his culprit. Questioning anyone and everyone, Lock realises that his target had been beside him the whole time. “Finish your story, maybe I’ll catch something that the FBI missed. But if I don’t, will you please leave me alone?” This phrase explains Lock’s philosophy of his life, helping others in need because it is his destiny, as he never looks for problems but lets them come to him.
My favourite character is Ty Johnson, Lock’s side-kick, who not only is involved in the outcome of the story but also has a spirited personality that people can enjoy and also find humour in. He always moves with a sense of confidence, has incredible mental strength and a selective taste in fashionable “rides.” It is interesting to observe how his relationship changes with Lock as the story develops, as initially Lock is disturbed by Ty’s way of life. The two of them make an odd pair, but work phenomenally well together, with their teamwork and communication skills the key to finding their man.
In contrast to other thriller stories I have read, Lock Down takes the reader on a well detailed journey of crime in New york, and is more logical yet unpredictable. Just when you think the plot has fallen into place, a wild turn occurs, sending your thoughts and mind into a swirl of not only confusion, but also disbelief. This book will make hang on to your chair as every sentence leads on to controversy and action.
I highly recommend this book for mature teenagers interested in premeditated crime, action and unthinkable consequences.
Rating: 4/5 stars

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jarryd,

    I'm very glad you enjoyed the book and thanks for taking the time to write such an insightful review. You'll be happy to know there are two more Lock books out now, and one that I'm currently working on. There are more details at my website, which is www.seanblackbooks.com, and you can also contact me via the website if you or any other members of your reading group have any questions.

    Best wishes,

