Friday, March 25, 2011

Escape From Genopolis by T.E Berry Hart

'Escape From Genopolis' is the first book of a trilogy, written by T.E Berry-Hart.
With a young-adult futuristic-fiction genre, the story is set in the year 2064 - a time after an Apocalyptic event.

The story begins with Arlo, a ten-year old orphan, living in the hands of professors at a University. Up till now, Arlo has no idea of where he was born, who his parents are, or how he ended up there. All he knows about himself is the fact that he is an upper-class Citizen, and he has been living at the university since he was a new-born baby. But one evening, when his mentor, Doctor Ignatius sits Arlo down for a talk, he finds out the terrifying truth about himself and the world around him.
Meanwhile, Usha, an eleven-year-old Gemini, lives with and serves her ninety-nine year-old Citizen mistress - who she calls Auntie. Usha has always known that Auntie accepts her as family. Thus, she has always obeyed her mistress with positivity. But one day, when Usha wakes up on an operating table opposite Auntie, she suddenly becomes aware of the Citizen’s intention of having her as her servant. In panic, Usha escapes the hospital, leaving Auntie to die, but with nowhere to run to.
Usha and Arlo’s lives come to a halt when they both discover the truth. They have no choice but to escape their lives, and run away from everything they knew. The two children make allies and enemies along the way, before Usha and Arlo’s tracks meet, when they quickly decide to join forces to escape from Genopolis.

‘Escape from Genopolis’ is a gripping adventure and a visionary piece. In this novel, Berry-Hart tackles issues that are relevant to us presently, and always will be. This achievement truly marks the book as a classic. The characters are easily likeable, and the story has many different twists, which could be comparable to a roller coaster. I have read the second book of the trilogy, Fearless. I am glad to say that Berry-Hart takes the initial ideas from the first book and further complicates the story with more exciting twists in the next book! Since I began reading, I was immediately immersed in the plot. It was a successful page-turner for me! I’m sure this trilogy would capture the imagination of children and adults alike.

CHERUB: Man vs Beast

CHERUB Man vsBeast is the sixth of a twelve book series. the series is about a special spy school for kids who go out and uncover dangerous and exiting missions. The main characters in Man vs Beast contains, Kyle a homosexual 16 year old, James Adams a confidant 14 year old and his little 11 year old sister, Lauren Adams.

Man vs Beast is an exciting, action book that is suitble for ages 13 and older because it does contain a little bit of swearing and sexual refrences. during the book James, Kyle and Lauren have to get involved in a vegan protest group to stop animal experiments. This means that the whole CHERUB group have to stop eating meat for a few months.

this is my book report and I am Daniel Spungin

The Youngest Templar (Book 1 in series) by Michael P. Spradlin

The Youngest Templar is set in Medieval England and the Holyland. While the plot is set many centuries ago in history, the questions that trouble the main character Tristan are still being asked today. Is war really a glorious pursuit? What ideals are really worth dying for?
Tristan is an orphan, knowing nothing of his parents or origins. He has been brought up by the kindly, hard-working monks at St. Albans abbey. As he nears the age to leave the protection of the monks, Sir Thomas Leuw takes a keen interest in him and hires Tristan to be his squire on a Crusade to recapture the Holyland from the Muslim Saracens. The title refers to the Templar knights, who were the fighting units of the Crusades.
What follows is a thrilling, often violent, story of adventure and narrow escapes. The story ends with more questions than it began about Tristan and the precious treasure that has been entrusted to him.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

Alison and her friends lead privileged lives in a small town in Philadelphia. When Ali, the unquestioned leader of their group, disappears , her friends are distraught. But they also feel tiny twinges of relief that all the secrets they had shared with Ali are now safe. Soon, however, their seemingly perfect world seems about to unravel as mysterious text messages are received that could only have come from someone who knew what Ali knew. The author maintains a high level of tension throughout the story, which remains unresolved at the end of this first book in the series. The characters are not well differentiated at the beginning of the story, but gradually develop as the story progresses , revealing each to be quite unpleasant in her own way. The story alternates between individual characters’ stories, before bringing the group together at the end. The reader is very tempted to read on as the plot finishes with one chilling question