Thursday, April 14, 2011

Daniel Sacks
Nick Hornby- Slam

“Just when it seemed everything had come together for me, I had to go and screw it all up. It only took 5 seconds. But all of me knew.”
The book Slam written by Nick Hornby is all about a teenage kid growing up in England, London, who has got an average life, with divorced parents, small house and a mother who is only 16 years older than him. The main character is Sam he is very into girls, skateboarding and hanging out with friends.
In the novel, Sam starts going out with this beautiful girl, Alicia. Alicia and Sam were the same age, who had parents who thought only highly of their daughter and that her future was just getting brighter and brighter.
However, both Alicia’s and Sam’s futures go downhill as after times of sexual interaction, Alicia finally falls pregnant.
Sam got a Tony Hawk poster for his birthday. Sam would speak to Tony about skating, girls and life. Weirdly Tony started speaking back which lead to Sam reading his autobiography over and over. After reading so many times all of Sam’s questions were answered through this book.
Of course Tony didn’t always have the answer. When Sam was angry at Tony he would be sent to the future to look at Tony’s life with a baby and how it grew up.
The future was tough, confusing, but helpful, which also helped Sam get through a incredibly hard time for a teacher to live in.
I recommend this book it can be funny at times but has a really good message.

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