Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Twilight-Stephenie Meyer

Twilight is the story of Edward and Bella’s romance. Forget any vampire romance you have read before, Twilight is so unique it is almost like it’s in its own genre. The book is targeted at Young Adult readers but it has the ability to satisfy both teenagers and adults. The story is told from the perspective of Bella, so the reader only ever know what she knows, making Edward and his family a mystery that is slowly unravelled through out the book. Even by the end of the book I was still wanting to know more about the Cullen family - hopefully their characters might be developed further in future books. Bella herself is a well written and realistic character, shy and lacking in confidence, her sarcastic inner voice narrates the story for the reader. Twilight is simply and yet beautifully written. The descriptions of Forks leave you feeling like you can almost smell the damp air and hear the rain falling on the roof. The romance between Edward and Bella is touching. There is a gloomy feel to their impossible love, yet at the same time they both are not willing to give up their relationship. The book reaches its peak of excitement as the romance between Bella and Edward turns into fight. I have heard Twilight described as “a vampire story for people who don’t like vampire stories” and I think I would agree with that. This book has something for everyone. Young adult readers, vampire fans or romance readers will all find Twilight to be an interesting story. Believe me, this is one book that you won’t want to end.

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