Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Specky Magee - Felice Arena & Garry Lyon

“Specky Magee” is a book about a twelve year old by the name of Simon Magee, was a very promising footballer. Simon Magee, has a nick name “Specky”. This name was given to him by his fellow team mates, due to the fact that he is able to and likes to take a ‘spec-tacular’ mark.

Specky Magee has a pretty normal life for a twelve year old. Although, there are only two noticeable differences between Specky and his mates, one of them is his ability to play football. The second is his father’s lack of attendance to his football matches, for the Booyong High Lions, on Saturday. This really gets on Specky’s nerves as his father always, without fail, makes up an excuse on why he can’t attend Specky’s footy game. In fact not only does his father not like football, but in fact his whole family hates it. In fact they can’t stand it!

This sends Specky into confusion because he finds a small photo with himself dressed up in football gear. He wondered who could have dressed him up in this gear? As well when he continuously asks his parents who took this photo? Why am I dressed up like this? He never got a straight answer from them, he only got mumbled words back. This sends Specky’s life into flauccinauccinihilipilification because he goes on an adventure to find out some answers about where he came from. Then he starts to inquire further than ever before into some people he loves dearly.

I recommend this book for the type of readers who know a thing or two about football and who are willing to travel in the life of a growing superstars day to day life. As well love to read a book in a series because there are another seven books to follow.

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